Sticker Designs - Amsterdam Flag
Amsterdam Flag Stickers are available in 4 design ranges including:
The Classic Range
The Classic Range features the original red and black with 3 white crosses design of the
City of Amsterdam along with a black-and-gold Michael Carlton
signature border to make the colours and crosses stand out...
City of Amsterdam along with a black-and-gold Michael Carlton
signature border to make the colours and crosses stand out...
Amsterdam & Dutch Culture Range
The Amsterdam and Dutch Culture Range features a range of designs inspired by Amsterdam and Dutch culture including: the Dutch Flag, the Gay Flag, the Coffeeshop License,
and King's Day Orange:
and King's Day Orange:
International Amsterdam Range
The International Amsterdam Range is a celebration of the international diversity of Amsterdam and features the 3 whites crosses upon a national flag backdrop of the various international communities
living in Amsterdam including: Afro-Carribean, Turkish, Morrocan,
Spanish, Greek, Brazilian and more...
living in Amsterdam including: Afro-Carribean, Turkish, Morrocan,
Spanish, Greek, Brazilian and more...
The Michael Carlton Range
The Michael Carlton Range is a range of designs that has been inspired by the visuals, aesthetics,
and culture I've experienced whilst living in Amsterdam and The Netherlands:
and culture I've experienced whilst living in Amsterdam and The Netherlands: