One of the most glorious moments from my childhood was when my dad walked through the living room door and presented my brothers and I with a brand new Nintendo set :)
This was a dream come true for me at the time because I really wanted one, and even if I’d saved up all my pocket money it still would have taken me about 5 years or more to buy one :D
Anyway from that point on until I was about 15 or so one of my favourite hobbies was playing Nintendo games, and I’m pretty sure this has had quite an influence on the way I paint and create today!
So as way of celebrating and commemorating all the fun I had playing those games back then I recently started working on a series of paintings of the characters from all the games I liked :)
First painting I did was, not surprisingly, of Super Mario himself:
…and here he is in all his jumping glory!
Next was a character called Kirby - a cute, pink, cloud sort of thing:
I never actually played the Kirby game, but my brother used to play it on the Game Boy and I remember enjoying the music a lot too!
One of my favourite games was the original Super Mario Kart on the SNES, so I also painted Mario in one of his go-karts:
...and the most recent painting is of Mario’s brother, Luigi:
So that’s the Nintendo character painting collection so far, and this year (2025) I’m planning to expand the collection to include some more characters, so watch this space!
P.S. For copyright reasons these paintings are not currently available for sale and have only been created for my own personal pleasure/enjoyment.
…there may come a point in the future where I have permission or a license to sell them.
If you would like me to let you know if they ever become available for sale then drop me an email to let me know and I’ll keep you updated ;)